The University of Bridgeport Archives houses institutional records of the University of Bridgeport such as yearbooks and student newspapers. Access to these materials is by permission only. Public access to some scans of University yearbooks and student newspapers can be found in our institutional repository UB ScholarWorks.
Contact the library to request an appointment at reference@bridgeport.edu or (203) 576-4747.
Reference Services
The Magnus Wahlstrom Library will provide reference service at no charge when a patron can provide a specific location or citation of an item.
For example:
A copy of an article from the December 9, 1999 issue of The Scribe. A photo from the 1962 yearbook. A dissertation from a particular graduate of the School of Business.
Photocopying and postage and handling fees will apply (see below).
There is no guaranteed turnaround time for requests. Requests generally take 5-7 business days to process.
Research Services
Research requests involve in-depth searches for material about a particular subject which may be located in one or more collections. All research requests will cost $30.00 per hour paid in advance for a minimum of one half hour.
If nothing is found, no more than one half hour’s charge will be assessed. An example would be a request for copies of articles or pictures of a Wisteria Ball during the 1960s.
Additional fees will be assessed for photocopying and postage and handling (see below).
There is no guaranteed turnaround time for requests. It generally takes 5-7 business days to do an initial search of the Archives. If a “lead” is identified, 5-7 additional business days may be necessary for full investigation and processing.
Check or money order should be made out to “University of Bridgeport.” The Library reserves the right to increase fees for requests that require extensive use of resources or require a guaranteed turnaround time.
- Research – $30 per hour
- Photocopying – $0.20 per page
- Digital Images (up to 500 dpi) – $5.00 per image
- Digital Images (600 dpi or more) – $7.00 per image
- Mailed photocopies (Postage & Handling) up to 1 oz. – $8.00
- Mailed photocopies (Postage & Handling) over 1 oz. – $7.50 plus actual shipping cost
- Dissertations & Theses – See separate policy